November 22, 2017 10:00 pm
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The trucking industry makes it possible for companies to ship their finished products and raw goods across the North American continent. Trucking is a complex operation that requires a substantial amount of expertise and knowledge to be executed successfully. Different types of vehicles are required to transport goods, components and industrial supplies, depending on the size, volume and nature of the product you are hoping to move. Working with a qualified trucking company in Houston, TX is the best way to ensure that your goods or components are delivered to their intended destination promptly and professionally. It’s important to know what type of trucking service you require before hiring a company to perform a service that you may not be... View Article
November 6, 2017 7:35 pm
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Whether you are a homeowner or run a business, there may be times when you need large items brought to you or moved to another location, such as building supplies and oversized construction equipment. Because these things are too large to move with a regular vehicle, like a pickup truck, you will want to consider using a flatbed truck. So, is a flatbed truck right for your needs? The best thing to do is to contact a trucking company in Houston, TX for their recommendation. What is a flatbed truck? A flatbed truck has a completely flat, long and level body (the “bed”) with no sides and no roof. This type of truck design is great for many reasons, including... View Article
October 23, 2017 7:35 pm
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Have you ever heard of hot shot trucking? Below, a professional trucking company in Houston, TX will explain what it is, as well as the pros and cons this service offers. What is hot shot trucking? If someone is a freelance truck driver in the freight industry, then they are referred to as a hot shot trucker—it basically means being your own boss. Hot shot drivers are not employed by a trucking company in the traditional sense. What they do is transport goods for various companies and cargo carriers whenever they want work, and they do so without signing an obligation agreement. There are many benefits of being a hot shot trucker. The greatest benefits are being the boss, getting... View Article
October 10, 2017 8:24 pm
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There are a number of important decisions that you have to make regarding the shipping and transportation of your goods to your customers. One of the most essential is the mode of transportation that you will be using. Air shipping and ground shipping—usually via a trucking company in Houston, TX—are the two primary types that you will have to choose from, and that decision isn’t always an easy one. There are many different factors that contribute to your decision, including considerations such as time, cost, efficiency, distance and security. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to determining how you will transport your items, there are certainly important pros and cons that you should think about before you... View Article
September 26, 2017 8:24 pm
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No matter what it is you’re shipping, figuring out exactly how to move products from point A to point B can present a unique set of challenges. Logistical problems can be incredibly common, and they are notoriously challenging to deal with. In addition to the fact that they are a pain to deal with, they also divert valuable time and financial resources away from other aspects of the business, not to mention the negative impact they can have on your bottom line if you are unable to deliver your products to your customers. You could lose profit in a major way depending on the scale of the issue that you are facing. Here’s a closer look at some of the... View Article