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Flatbed Delivery in Houston, TX: When and How Should It Be Used?

June 27, 2017 1:48 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many types of freight options for you to choose from, but they are not all created equal. Certain types of cargo just don’t work in traditional freight trucks like box trailers. If you have cargo that is oversized or oddly shaped and can’t find a delivery service to meet your needs, consider using flatbed delivery in Houston, TX instead. Flatbed delivery trucks offer you a host of new options for transporting cargo without the hassle of trying to fit everything in a box trailer. Flatbed delivery also gives you a number of options for protection and security of your cargo, ensuring that it will be delivered safely each and every time. When to use flatbed delivery in Houston,... View Article

What Businesses Benefit from Hot Shot Trucking in Houston, TX?

June 14, 2017 8:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Despite what some statistics may suggest, the trucking industry is growing, but it’s growing in new and innovative ways to meet the needs of a new generation. One change we’ve seen in the past several years is a turn towards hot shot trucking, which is the transportation of smaller loads on an as-needed basis to meet urgent needs. Unlike traditional forms of shipping that focus on cutting down on costs by shipping as many goods as possible in one load on one route, hot shot trucking is focused on how quickly goods can be transported. Almost any type of business can benefit from hot shot trucking in Houston, TX, but in Texas there are three key types of businesses that... View Article

Hot Shot Trucking 101: Speed, Shipments, Trucks and Delivery Area

June 14, 2017 8:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Decades ago in the oil fields of Texas, a breakdown or equipment failure could cause you to lose money every minute your oil rig was not in operation. Getting replacement parts using traditional shipping methods could take weeks, which was unacceptable to oil field owners, so a new method of trucking was devised. Oil field owners in Texas would call an independent contractor or owner of a small truck and hire them to deliver a single piece of equipment as quickly as possible. Thus was the method of hot shot trucking in Houston, TX born. Today, the hot shot trucking method is still used by oil companies and other power and energy companies, but the use of hot shot trucking... View Article