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Is Hot Shot Trucking Right for You?

September 6, 2017 11:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

According to an old story, hot shot trucking started back in the 1970s, in the oilfields of Texas. Drivers would stand by to load and deliver newly manufactured drill parts, often driving through the night to get them to their destination at off-road pumping or drilling destinations. As you might have guessed, “hot shot” refers to the non-stop, immediate-delivery nature of the job. Nowadays, you’ll also notice that hot shot trucking in Houston, TX frequently refers not only to quick delivery, but also to the type of truck that is used, and often the type of freight it is hauling. If you are considering a career in hot shot trucking in Houston, TX, check out the information below to learn... View Article

Do You Have Odd-Sized Items to Ship? Try Flatbed Trucking!

August 23, 2017 11:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you need to ship a large, cumbersome or odd-sized item, you might be wondering, “How am I going to get this from point A to point B?” Rest assured, you are not alone. Countless people every day have materials that need to be shipped but that can’t go through regular channels due to their odd size. Luckily, there is a solution: a trustworthy flatbed trucking company in Houston, TX! At Pro Delivery LLC, we are experts in the flatbed trucking industry, and we can help you get all of your items where they need to go safely and economically. If you’re considering flatbed truck shipping, here are a few helpful facts to get you started. Flatbed trucking for the... View Article

Five Reasons Why Freight Delivery in Houston, TX Is Good for Your Business

August 9, 2017 1:41 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Regardless of what industry they’re in, any business owner can tell you that a whole lot more goes into day-to-day business operations than what you may see on the surface. One of the most complicated aspects of daily operations tends to be delivery of goods. Getting items from one place to another can be incredibly difficult—particularly if you’re trying to manage it by yourself. Luckily, there are companies like Pro Delivery LLC that specialize in freight delivery in Houston, TX. We worry about the logistics and work tirelessly to make sure your goods arrive on time and in one piece. Continue reading to learn more about freight delivery and why hiring a company to take care of it is a... View Article

Five Things to Look for When Hiring a Trucking Company in Houston, TX

July 26, 2017 1:41 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re a business owner considering hiring a trucking company in Houston, TX to handle all of your shipping needs, you’re heading in the right direction! There are countless benefits to outsourcing shipping to professionals instead of trying to handle it in-house. However, there are tons of trucking companies out there, and they’re not all created equal. Just like in every industry, some trucking companies are good, and some are not so good—the trick is knowing how to differentiate between the two. Here are a few things you can look for to help make your decision easier: Price: Big business decisions often come down to your bottom line. What is the service going to cost you at the end of... View Article

Ship a Small Amount of Freight with Pro Delivery LLC

July 11, 2017 1:48 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When most people think of freight, they immediately picture large cargo loads being hauled on massive 18-wheelers. However, not everyone’s cargo loads are that large. What happens when you have a small load of cargo that other delivery companies won’t touch or isn’t cost-effective to send on a large truck? If you find yourself in this position, you need to find a company that does hot shot trucking in Houston, TX! Pro Delivery LLC can offer you the delivery solution you’ve been searching for to handle small loads. We have delivery solutions for all load sizes and shapes; choose between pickup trucks, flatbed trailers or 18-wheelers. Ultimately, the choice of delivery truck will depend on the size and shape of... View Article