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Why Choose LTL Shipping for Your Business?

September 21, 2020 11:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a savvy business owner, you’re undoubtedly always on the hunt for ways to reduce your costs and increase your efficiency. You pay close attention to your product as it’s being designed and built. You keep an eye on employees to make sure that their work is being done correctly. But how much thought are you giving to your shipping practices? If you haven’t thought about small business shipping methods in Houston, TX, you could be missing out on the secret weapon that puts your business over the top. What is LTL shipping? Less-than-truckload (or LTL) shipping has been around for decades, and it’s been helping business owners of every size ship their products with ease. In less-than-truckload shipping, an... View Article

Important Things to Look for When Seeking an LTL Trucking Company

July 16, 2020 5:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you’re looking for a local LTL trucking company in Houston, TX, Pro Delivery LLC can help. But what if you’re not sure of what you need to be looking for in an LTL delivery company in the first place? LTL trucking means “less than truckload”—that is, a load of stuff that doesn’t amount to a full load of freight. If you’re a small business, you’re probably familiar with this concept. Basically, your goods are put on pallets and loaded on a truck for delivery along with other business’ goods. This is easy for you as a business owner, but can be somewhat complex for the trucking company. Here are the signs that you can count on an LTL trucking... View Article

What Exactly Is Hot Shot Trucking?

July 2, 2020 5:07 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are a lot of different types of trucking jobs and styles across the nation, and hot shot trucking companies in Houston, TX fill a very specific kind of delivery need. If you’re thinking about hiring a trucking company for your delivery needs or want to get into the industry yourself, read on to learn more about the hot shot trucking world. Definition of hot shot trucking Hot shot trucking is when a driver carries a smaller load on a time-sensitive basis. Generally, a truck driver doesn’t need a commercial driver’s license for loads under 10,000 pounds, which makes hot shot trucking a smart and more widely available choice for sending smaller loads across town. Hot shot trucking is also... View Article

How Has Coronavirus Affected Small Business Shipping?

June 3, 2020 4:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive effect on business operations throughout the United States. Some have had to temporarily (or permanently) shut their doors completely, while others have had to quickly adjust the way in which they operate. It has become far more important for businesses of all types and sizes to have reliable shipping partners so they can move their products to consumers while those consumers are unable or unwilling to come pick them up on site. It has been understandably difficult for shipping companies to be able to predict demand during the pandemic, as their clients themselves have had to deal with a lot of uncertainty regarding their own operations. But now that we are a... View Article

Overland Road Transportation: Picking Between Road and Rail

May 20, 2020 4:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re in need of freight transportation services, you will have several modes of transportation available, including air, sea, road and rail. The most popular modes used are road and rail, as most people do not require anything other than ground transport. So, when focusing on road and rail, it’s important to understand the differences between the two and the factors you should consider in making your selection. Here is a quick overview of what you should think about when picking between road and rail freight in Houston, TX. Road: Pros and cons Shipping via road allows you to deliver freight quickly and according to a set schedule. It is generally a very cost-effective, economical service, especially if you only... View Article