October 13, 2021 11:22 pm
Published by Writer
Truckers put thousands of miles a week on their treads, often, driving the same routes over and over again. It can become second-nature to hop in the cab and hit the road, but all it takes is one moment of inattentive driving to put you, your truck, your cargo and anyone else on the road in harm’s way. After all, the roadways are filled with potential pitfalls and hazards for those who aren’t sharp behind the wheel. Bottom line? It’s imperative that truckers take extra precautions to stay safe on the roads. Fortunately, there are several easy ways for truckers to stay safe while driving. Here are some tips on how to stay safe if you’re a truck driver. Take... View Article
September 27, 2021 11:22 pm
Published by Writer
For truck drivers, the main part of the job is driving and safely transporting loads from Point A to Point B. As is the case with many jobs, there’s bound to be a paper trail that tells the tale of the trucking run. If only there were some sort of device that could take care of some of that tedious record keeping for you? Fortunately, there is. This device is called an ELD. Not only does it handle the recordkeeping associated with trucking runs, it also ensures that neither you nor your employer accidentally violates federal regulations pertaining to the trucking industry. Here’s more information on what ELD is for truckers, and why ELD is important for truck drivers. What... View Article
August 6, 2021 5:12 pm
Published by Writer
It’s important that every company does what they can to protect the environment. Shipping can add pollution to the air, which is why trucking companies should take certain steps to make themselves more environmentally friendly. This might include providing regular maintenance to your flatbed trucks. If you’re interested in making your company a bit more environmentally friendly, read on to learn several eco-friendly trucking tips: Use less air conditioning: While this might be difficult during the height of summer, avoid using your air conditioning during certain points of your drive if possible. If you can get away with opening your windows instead, that’s usually the better option. A truck’s air conditioning system increases fuel consumption. Save money on fuel and... View Article
July 23, 2021 5:12 pm
Published by Writer
If you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective way to ship products from your small business, consider partnering with a trucking company. Before you single out a company to business with, though, it’s important to find a top-quality trucking company that will put your needs first. You should also look for trucking companies that offer fair prices and are completely insured. It never hurts to work with a trucking company that’s well known within the community, either. If you’re still on the fence, read on to learn about the many reasons to choose a local trucking company for your delivery needs. They have the right experience The best way to ensure your products reach their destinations in time is by... View Article
July 12, 2021 9:14 pm
Published by Writer
Trucking can be a great career option for many people, but a lot of individuals who are considering hot shot trucking might not know much about the pros and cons of this type of work. Whether you have a lot of trucking experience already or you’re completely new to the profession, it’s helpful to get some hot shot trucking info that can help give you a better idea of what to expect. Keep reading to learn about some of the most significant pros and cons of hot shot trucking. What is hot shot trucking? One of the first questions you might be asking is, “What is hot shot trucking?” Hot shot trucking is a service that’s designed to cater to... View Article